Monday, November 17, 2008


Brownie is my favorite cake :)
This recipe for vegan. But even though you aren't, you'll attracted by this YUMMY rich chocolate cake!

mix the following ingredients in small bowl:
1/4 cup sweet potato (or pumpkin) puree
1/4 maple syrop
1/4 cup sunflower oil

mix the following ingredients in big bowl:
1/3 cup of rolled oats
(proces them first in food procesor so they are bit like coarse flour)
3/4 cup maple sugar or cane sugar
1/4 cup of chocolae chips (you can use pure chocolate candybar)
1/8 cup of (mashed) pecan or walnuts (not necessary)
1/3 cup of barley flour (or other flour)
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix everything
put the batter into cake form, and into oven for about 20 minutes at 120 c.
not too hot or brownie will get dry and hard.
let it cool off
and there you go!!

*this recipe from a book but i've forgottn the book's name..*